Within the park ranger job description, park rangers perform a range of duties throughout their careers. These include:
• management of the natural habitat using known habitat conservation and restoration techniques
• office work that includes analyzing reports and research data
• educating the park visitors and local community about the park, local wildlife, environmental issues and at times, controversial issues
• creating public education and informational materials such as brochures
• leading campfire programs in campgrounds
• campground check-in and patrolling
• performing studies in the park
• leading tours and hikes
• maintenance work on park facilities and trails
• responding to emergency situations including visitor injuries, fires, and land and water rescues
• some park rangers also act as law enforcement within the park
• patrolling waterways
The main responsibilities of stewards are crowd management, including the prevention of crushing, also see Crowd Control. They are also there to assist police and other emergency services should the need arise.
Stewards’ Functions Include:
1. Working in the display area; Copyright Pains Fireworks Ltd 2. Ensuring security at entrances and exits; 3. Minimizing the risks of fire by carrying out fire patrols; Copyright Pains Fireworks Ltd 4. Controlling vehicle parking and marshalling traffic; 5. Controlling vehicle and pedestrian traffic routes .
Proper utilization and management of nature and its resources is termed as conservation. International Union for conservation of Natural and Natural Resources (IUCN) define conservation as rational use