At the heart of Parliamentary Procedure is the rule of the majority with respect for the minority. Its objective is to allow deliberation upon questions of interest to the organization and to arrive at a sense of will of the assembly upon these questions. Group decisions are reached, usually by VOTE.
Five Principles of Parliamentary Procedure:
Mason's Manual cites ten principles that govern procedure in group decision making: 0. The group must have the authority to take the actions it purports to take; 0. there must be a meeting of the decision-making group; 0. a proper notice of the meeting must be given to all members of the group; 0. there must be a quorum present at the meeting; 0. there must be a question before the group upon which it can make a decision; 0. there must be an opportunity to debate the question; 0. the question must be decided by taking a vote; 0. there must be a majority vote to take an action or decide a question; 0. there must be no fraud, trickery or deception resulting in injury to another member; 0. and to be valid, any action or decision of a body must not violate any applicable law or constitutional provision. {Manual of Standard Procedure & Constitution – Bylaws}.
Steps in Making a Board Decision
Steps in Making a Board Decision
1. Motion—a motion is a request that something be done or that something is the opinion or wish of the group. Only one motion should be placed at a time, at which point it is debatable and amendable.
2. Second—someone from the group must “second” the