The primary focus of representation 1 is that to portray/inform people how the war had an impact towards the people and it concentrates on also how they reacted to it. It’s an online academic student journal. This article is written by Craig Stewart-Hunter.
The primary focus of representation 2 is that it’s a comic for children especially boys. It concentrates on a young boy called Arnold Tabbs who’s trying to "carry on" during the war, when ‘his parents have been killed, his home devastated and his dog had just died’. Representative 2 is the front cover of a Britain comic, published in 1979.
The primary focus of representation 3 is an extract from a book; The War Years by Janice Anderson in 2007. It portrays how the home guard help to contributed towards the war.
In terms of accuracy the best representation is representation 3. It is significantly accurate because it contains a significant amount of accurate information that corroborates fairly well to my own knowledge; ‘250,000 men... answered the call’ this is true & corroborates with S1. It also tells us about how they poorly equipment to start with ‘in the first weeks they had no uniforms. It also tells us men were involved in a rage of jobs ‘manning anti-aircraft batteries and costal defences, guarding arms and fuel dumps.
Similarly, representation 1 is fairly accurate in terms of people did get killed – many people lost their lives in the war and it corroborates with my knowledge in particular ‘Juliet Gardiner Wartime Britain’ who ‘just states over 1000 people were killed in August 1940’ due to bombing. There was images of destruction, ARP wardens did clear up after attacks; ordinary people did lend a hand – there was a sense of unity. This is correct because it corroborates with the article: AIR RAID PRECAUTIONS AND CIVIL DEFENCE. However it is incorrect when stating, reports of defeatism doesn’t corroborate with Angus Calder – the Myth