I, being employed with a part-time job, truly do believe that there is no wrong in having a part-time job while being a student. I honestly think that it is an awesome, great idea for students to have part-time jobs before they graduate from high school -- if they have the time and resources to do so. Students who are responsible, or learn responsibility, have nothing to loose but all to gain by having a job. There are a few key points that prove students having part-time jobs is an awesome concept which I am going to point out.
A student that can maintain a part-time job gain excellent first-hand experience that cannot be gained from the classroom. Today, if you are looking in the help wanted section of the newspaper you will notice that even for jobs aimed at students it is usually stated that experience is required or is an asset. In today 's job force, employers do not always have time or the resources to train employees in great depth. Experienced students applying for a job are more likely to be hired than someone who is not as experienced. This is because students with experience on their resume show that they have already proven they can handle a job while balancing school and other activities. Students can gain a lot of experience by volunteering, although employers are usually looking for real job experience. For example this past spring I quit my full-time job at Tim Horton 's and was in need of a new job. I started to print of my resumes and hand them out to various stores, restaurants and other places. I had a few interviews even one at East Side Mario 's my dream job. While I was being interviewed, I soon understood that if I did not have the experience at Tim Horton 's they probably would not have even considered me for an interview. Now with a fair bit of experience to back me up I talk to employers with confidence and they usually always seem more interested in having me work at their