Vice- Principal and HOD Maternity Nursing,
Parshwanath Doddanavar Bharatesh College of Nursing,
Halaga, Belgaum- 590 003. Karnataka.
Partograph is a Greek word which means “Labour Curve”. Partograph or Partogram is a simple, Inexpensive tool which gives continuous pictorial overview of labour. It is the easy way to detect prolonged labour. The common obstetric Emergencies are obstructed labour and prolonged labour. Obstructed labour means no progress in descending parts inspite of good uterine contractions and the appropriate management would be the Caesarean section. In Prolonged labour the Cervix dilates slowly and incompletely and vaginal delivery may be considered under medical supervision. Obstructed and Prolonged labour complications are rupture of uterus, fetal distress and fetal Death. Slow progress in labour results in postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), Infections and Obstetric fistulae. To prevent life threatening situations in labour it is important that the signs of Obstructed & Prolonged labour identified early in Peripherals where the emergency management facilities are not available.
Friedman is the first Obstetrician to provide a tool for the assessment of individual labour (Cervicograph).In 1972, Philpott developed Partogram from Cervicograph in Zimbabwe and Later Philpott and Castle introduced an ‘Action Line’ & ‘Alert Line’ in the Partogram. John Studd promoted the use of Partograph in United Kingdom.
◆ It is a record of all observations made on a woman in labour ◆ Decision making tool ◆ Implies a functioning referral system with essential Obstetric service ◆ It improves Efficiency and Effectiveness of Maternity Services
❖ A Partograph is a tool to help in the management of labour for the identification of women who are not likely
References: 1. Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Child birth – Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Child birth: A Guide for Midwives and Doctors., WHO 2003. 2. Ministry of Health., Integrated Reproductive Health Curriculum – Safe motherhood Module., May 2001. 3. Safe Motherhood – Preventing Prolonged Labour: a practical guide., WHO 1994. 4. Community Health & Disease Surveillance News letter., “Optimal use of Partograph in obstetric practice., 13(12)., 6-7. 5. Tina Lavender., “NCT Evidence based briefing- Use of the Partogram in Labour”., 14-16.