With this in mind, we have developed the Exotic Extras range – five fruits and vegetables you might not have heard of, but will definitely love.…
With this in mind, we have developed the Exotic Extras range – ten fruits and vegetables you might not have heard of, but will definitely love.…
When we are kids our parents tend to teach us how important is to eat fruits, what they don’t teach us is what comes along with that. That is for us to experience because only the ones who do, are the ones who can really take something out of it. I am a fruit person; I can say that I like them all but every time I try eating strawberries something interesting happens to me. I am like a little girl looking for what is there to learn about fruits in her first day of kindergarten, but all at the same time, using my five senses.…
(2) If the study indicates potential, the firm will spend $1,000 at t = 1 to build a prototype. The best estimate now is that there is an 80 percent chance that the study will indicate potential, and a 20 percent chance that it will not.…
In the bustling city of Agrabah there is a lively and crowded marketplace. Merchants sell all kind of household items from pots and ladles to clothing, and olives the townspeople need for their everyday lives.…
The water from the Sedon River flows south to meet the Mekong, converging at a distinct point. Due to the difference in water composition, on sunny days it's striking to see where the milky caramel color of the Sedon joins the greyish-blue of the Mekong. With scenic views of the well-traversed waterways and lush foliage all around, the riverside restaurants along Road No.11 typify the heart and soul of southern Laos. Modest outdoor stalls with little more than plastic tables and chairs await customers. The idea is to do as the locals do--take pleasure in the leisurely pace of life, taste a variety of snacks ranging from spicy dips with sticky rice, crunchy rice cracker treats, to pho (noodle soup) or barbecued chicken, washed down with cold beer while watching the sunset on the horizon. With this in mind, time spent in the city of Pakse involve strolls through neighborhoods with colonial architecture, remnants from a period when the French used the city as an administrative center at the turn of the 20th century. Nowadays, new roads and bridges link the area with Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, making the provincial capital a hub of commerce. Despite its slowly increasing popularity as a transit point for travelers, Pakse remains uncrowded and is under no threat of being overrun anytime soon. Even if making an onward journey, a short stay in the city offers…
Ekstraksi dilakukan terhadap daun jambu biji merah dengan teknik maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96% yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bahan aktif yang bersifat polar, yaitu alkaloid dan tanin. Etanol digunakan sebagai pelarut karena lebih selektif, bakteri sulit tumbuh dalam etanol diatas 20%, tidak beracun, netral dan absorbsinya baik (Widayati, 2008). Metode ekstraksi dipilih dibandingkan metode lainnya karena diharapkan kandungan bahan aktif yang diinginkan tidak banyak berkurang.…
Terumbu karang, mengingatkan kita pada keindahan kehidupan di perairan pantai tropis, yang tersusun atas berbagai hewan dan tumbuhan dengan warna, bentuk dan ukuran yang bervariasi. Organisme yang dapat kita temukan di terumbu karang antara lain; Pisces (berbagai jenis ikan), Crustacea (udang, kepiting), Moluska (kerang, keong, cumi-cumi, gurita), Echinodermata (bulu babi, bintang laut, timun laut, lili laut, bintang mengular), Polychaeta (cacing laut), Sponge, Makroalga (Sargasum, Padina, Halimeda) dan terutama hewan karang (Anthozoa). Begitu banyak jenis organisme yang hidup di sana sehingga terumbu karang adalah salah satu ekosistem di permukaan bumi ini yang memiliki keanekaragaman jenis yang tinggi. Tingginya keanekaragaman jenis di terumbu karang karena tingginya produktivitas primer di daerah tersebut, yaitu dapat mencapai10.000 gr C/m2/yr, bila dibandingkan dengan produktivitas laut lepas hanya berkisar 50100 gr C/m2/yr. Hewan karang atau reef corals (Anthozoa) merupakan penyusun utama terumbu karang (coral reefs), karena mampu membuat "bangunan" dari pengendapan kalsium karbonat (CaCO3). Tidak semua anggota Kelas Anthozoa (Filum Cnidaria) dapat membentuk terumbu, hanya dari kelompok hermatypic coral (ordo Scleractinia), sedangkan yang tidak membentuk karang disebut ahermatypic coral (misalnya: anemon, soft coral, akar bahar). Kelompok hermatypic coral tersebut hidupnya bersimbiosis dengan alga bersel satu zooxanthellae (Symb iodinium microadriaticum) yang berada pada sel di lapisan endodermis. Hasil samping dari proses fotosintesa zooxanthellae adalah endapan kalsium karbonat yang menjadi berbagai bentuk dan struktur yang khas tergantung dari jenis inang (host) hewan karang. Semakin maksimal proses fotosintesa zooxanthellae, maka semakin maksimal pula kalsium karbonat yang dapat diendapkan, berarti semakin cepat proses pertumbuhan hewan karang.…
Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia berjalan lamban jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga, seperti Malaysia dan Singapura. Kebiasaan rakyat Indonesia yang sering kali menjiplak alias melakukan plagiat atas hasil karya orang lain menjadi faktor penyebabnya. Dalam konteks ini, penulisan karya ilmiah termasuk salah satu sasaran untuk dijiplak oleh plagiator. Padahal dalam menulis suatu karya ilmiah terdapat etika-etika yang harus diperhatikan. Gunawan Wiradi dalam bukunya menyebutkan alasan mengapa perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia tidak signifikan.…
Amok is a 1995 Malaysian film directed by Adman Salleh and original story by Malaysian famous writer and poet, Salleh Ben Joned. As a drama and thriller genre, Amok revolves around the contrast nature of three different characters. Wan Man, a village youth who learn and practicing silat in his village. He then fell in love with a foreign woman, Natalie - an American Peace Corp volunteer who came to a village on the east coast to pursue her PhD study in Malay Psychic. Natalie, described as an independent girl, part of the Flower Power influence arising from Woodstock event and also practicing drugs and free sex. The film is set in the early years of the 1970s, the era influenced by hippie’s lifestyle, rock music, drugs and The Vietnam War protests by young Americans.…
To determine the factors that influence the decreasing number of tourists that visits Jeram Linang.…
Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is one of the largest privately held pharmaceutical companies in India, headquartered at Ahmedabad, in the state of Gujarat.…
North Carolina Child Care Comprehensive Budget Template Work Family Resource Center and Compass Consulting Group…
The poem, ‘’In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’’ deals with a folk theme of the beauty and vibrance of a traditional bazaar in the city of Hyderabad. The sounds and scents of these traditional bazaars are described in the poem. In her poem, ‘’In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’’, she has sketched the image and has given a vivid and colourful description of a typical Indian bazaar in Hyderabad, with vendors of all sorts displaying their wares.the poem brings out the splendour of the bazaars in Hyderabad.…
The location of the business is within the vicinity of the University Belt, which only means that we have lots of prospective customers to look up to. The store is situated at the Philippine – Japan Friendship Centre Manila Building located at Ricardo Papa St. Sampaloc, Manila. University Belt primarily Morayta is considerably the busiest street in the vicinity of the store, having several students and employees pass by and various highly visited establishments such as different building of schools, computer shops, gymnasium and many others it is really considered as a factor why we decided to put up this business in that area.…