After inviting him many times to a reception in their house, the Kochiyamas were pleasantly surprised when Malcolm showed up at their door for their meeting where he preached and inspired all of the guests. This began an ephemeral but vital relationship between Malcolm and Yuri. Through his compelling and engaging attitude, Malcolm taught Yuri how to fight for a more humane society without racism and inequalities while being proud of one’s ethnicity and maintaining self-dignity. He was a symbol for peace and justice in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, one of the darkest periods of the United States, and represented hope to the millions who were discouraged. While his assassination shocked many, it led to many Civil Rights organizations flourishing, illustrating his posthumous legacy and significance. Yuri eulogized Malcolm following his death, stating “[Malcolm] died young, an ebullient, energizing package of vitality, strength, knowledge and perception. He articulated eloquently, he exuded fortitude. He was a scholar, but not dogmatic nor pedantic. He spoke the language of his people in the ghetto; he understood what they were subjected to; and aligned himself to the most rejected and degraded”(Kochiyama 73). Malcolm’s death filled Yuri with much anguish, but only inspired and empowered her to continue his legacy, echoing the sentiments that he had expressed in his …show more content…
Regardless of race or gender, political prisoners have the same motivation and goals: “to condemn and obstruct injustices and evils, and to encourage justice and liberations”(Kochiyama 136). One case that Yuri advocated against was The David Wong Case in which David Wong, a Chinese national who immigrated to the United States in the early 1980’s was wrongfully accused of murder. Following his only minor criminal offense, while he was imprisoned, David Wong was accused of stabbing and murdering fellow inmate Tyrone Julius without any evidence. Even inmates who offered to testify that David did not commit the murder were denied the opportunity to. Additionally, the state did not provide a skilled translator who would allow David himself to testify himself. His lack of english proficiency was unlawfully used against him, as seen with many other Asian American political prisoners, and his case exemplified the elements of xenophobia, racism, and prosecutorial misconduct. This led activists such as Yuri to form committees in order to raise awareness about the social and political injustices against marginalized people. These committees quickly spread throughout the United States and helped unify Asian Americans in the movement. While Yuri’s