In the past, when IBM Rational owned the process and the certification process, individuals were advised to visit the two-day training course PRJ270, Essentials of Rational Unified Process version 2, directly from IBM Past Rational. Originally thought of as an official measure for future RUP instructors, the certification followed the content of the course. The course was not a prerequisite to achieve certification (and it still is not), but the student book and the course content contained valuable information for preparing for the certification exam. Over time and because of the acquisition of Rational by IBM, the RUP certification came to be seen from a different perspective. Being part of a series of official technical certification exams, the RUP certification became exposed to a much broader audience.
Our goal was to compile a resource to allow RUP professionals to not only use RUP in their daily work as a reference, but also to gain the knowledge required to successfully achieve the RUP Certification. This book, combined with the IBM Rational RUP course (the aforementioned Essentials of Rational Unified Process) and real-world experience will enable you to achieve your RUP Solution Designer Certification, hopefully in the first attempt.
With the increasing awareness and adoption of iterative-incremental software engineering processes through the open source community, the RUP Solution Designer Certification will undoubtedly distinguish experts from casual users. This certification will not only give you the industry recognition of being a RUP Solution Designer, but you will also promote the process in a manner similar to that of an ambassador. This book does not replace the RUP training course by any means, and we do not guarantee that you will pass the exam on your first attempt. But if you follow the guidelines provided in this book, practice with the sample questions, and appropriately use the references to