0900 hours Mrs Nherera
1100 hours Mrs Kachale
Elder on Duty:
0900 hrs Mr. T. Dzonzie
1100 hours Mrs. O. B. Mhone
Who's Who?
Minister: D Mushayavanhu 0772- 816- 252
Student : G Gwangwava 0773-407-316
S/ Clerk: W. P. Kamanga 0772-320- 960
Board Chair: K. Nherera 04 -335-396
Treasurer: L. Chirwa 0772-257 -386
Board Secretary: E. Coid 0772-307-556 B. B. Captains: J. & R. Lobb 0772-259-714 Youth Chair: Mr. Masauso 0773-391-387
UPWF: Mrs. Mkorongo 0772-543-351 IYZA: Mrs Mushayavanhu 0772-945-756
Flower Secretary Mrs Chima 0712-871-614 Pianists: R. Hartnack 04 -333-157 & S. Brit 04- 336-140 Church Office:
Secretary: Mrs R. Kaunda 071 2615 854 Office Hours (Mon. – Fri. 0800 - 1200) 04 -336-446
Address: P. O. Box EH 1, Emerald Harare Vestry Hours: Tuesday and Thursday (0830 hrs-13:00 hrs).
E-mail: trinitypresby@gmail.com 8th December 2013
A warm welcome to you this morning!
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** We welcome you, and are pleased that you are worshipping with us this morning; we pray God will bless our time together. If you are visiting, we would be grateful if you would sign the Visitors' Book, which can be found on the table at the door of the church. Please make your self known to an elder on duty at the door and join us for a cup of tea in the Church Hall following the service. If you wish to become a member of this family, Trinity, please take a form from the table at the door complete and hand it to an Elder, or post it to Box EH1; Emerald Hill; Harare
Call the Worship:
Prayer: {Adoration,