Student Number
(the 8 digit number on your ID card)
Module Code
HSM 051
Module Name
Leading and Managing in Professional Practice
Word Count (actual number of words in main body of text)
Assessment Title
Patchwork essay
Year / Intake
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Assessment Submission Receipt: Please complete the details below prior to submitting your work
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Student Name:
Rachel Hislaire
Module Code
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Coursework Declaration Sheet
This declaration sheet will be retained in the office in case of queries. It confirms that you have read and complied with the guidelines on plagiarism. For hard copy, attach this declaration sheet with your name on it, to your coursework. (Administration staff will remove the declaration sheet before passing coursework to the marker concerned AND after marking and moderation it will be placed back in the work so your work can be identified for collection at the student help desk). For electronic submission, attach this form. There is no need to sign it as submission of this form under your own name will be accepted in lieu of a signature.
Student Name
Rachel Hislaire
Student ID Number
Module Code
Assessment Title
Patchwork Text Essay
Date of submission Deadline
Word count declaration
I certify that the word count declared is correct.
Plagiarism declaration
I certify that the coursework that I have submitted is my own unaided work and that I have read and complied
References: Belbin, M. (1981). Management teams, why they succeed or fail. London: Heinemann. Buchanan, M. . (2015). Mental health service budgets 'cut by 8% '. Available at: (Accessed 23rd April 2015). Care Quality Commission. (2015). Involving people who use services. Available at: (Accessed 21st April 2015). Clinical Ethics Network. (2015). Ethhical Issues. Available: Last accessed 10th April 2015. Department of Health, (2012). ‘No Decision About Us, Without Us’. Available at: (Accessed 10th April 2015). Doss, S., DePascal, P., & Hadley, K Driscoll, J., (1994). Reflective practice for practise. Senior Nurse, Vol.13 Jan/Feb. 47 -50 Driscoll J (2000) Practising Clinical Supervision:A Reflective Approach Driscoll, J. (2007) (Ed.) Practising Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach for Healthcare Professionals Bailliere Tindall: Elsevier, Edinburgh, UK. East London and The City NHS, (2006) Health Foundation (2015) Person Centred Care; what is person centred care? Accessed from: (Accessed 22nd April 2015). Heron, J Hewson, M.G., Little, M.L. (2001) Giving feedback in medical education. Journal of General Internal Medicine 13 (2), 111–116. HM Government. (2011). No Health Without Mental Health. Available: Last accessed 10th April 2015. Howse, P. . (2014). Mental health charities warn cuts 'put lives at risk '. Available at: (Accessed 25th April 2015). Joseph, C. (2015) Strengths of Compromise As a Conflict Resolution. Available at: (Accessed: 14th April 2015). Johns, C. & Freshwaters, D. (2005) Transforming Nursing Through Reflective Practice, 2ndedn. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Limited. Johnson, D. W. and Johnson, F. P. (2006), Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills, (9th ed), Pearson Education Inc. USA. Marriott, S. (2013). THE IMPORTANCE OF REFLECTION WITH IMPROVING CARE AND IMPROVING STANDARDS AND THE 6CS. Available: Last accessed 10th April 2015. McNicoll, A. (2015). Mental health trust funding down 8% from 2010 despite coalition’s drive for parity of esteem. Available at: (Accessed 23rd April 2015). McNicoll, A. (2014). Rising caseloads and cuts hit acclaimed early intervention psychosis services. Available at: (Accessed 20th April 2015). Mental Health Network. (2011). Early Intervention in Psychosis Services. Available at: (Accessed 24th April 2015). Mindtools (2015) Lewin 's Leadership Styles Framework. Three Core Leadership Styles. Available at: (Accessed 23rd April 2015). Network for Mental Health, (2014) Service user involvement in the delivery of services NHS, (2008), ‘NHS Health and Well-Being Review’ Available at:, accessed: 9/04/2015 NHS Bedforshire Clinical Commissioning Group NHS England. (2015). Introduction to the Friends and Family Test. [ONLINE] Available at: (Accessed 8th April 15). NHS Scotland. (2015). Ethical Theories. Available at: (Accessed 14th April 2015). NICE. (2007). How To Change Practice. Available: Last accessed 10th April 2014. RCN (2011). Nurses and the delegation of nursing activities to HCAs and AP. Available at: (Accessed 12th April 2015). RCN (2014) Salyers, M, (2015), ‘Burnout and Self-Reported Quality of Care in Community Mental Health’ Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42 (1), pp. 61-69 The Nursing and Midwifery Council, (2008) Tuckman, B. W., (1965), Development sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63(6):384-399. Tuckman, B. W. and Jensen, M. C., 1977. Stages of Small-Group Development Revisted. 6 (15) Accessed from: Accessed on: 23/04/15 Willcocks, S World Health Organisation, (2003). WHO Definition of Health. Available at: (Accessed on 20th March 2015). Wright, K., (2014)