Shelby Lynch
Date of Care: 03/19/2013
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 340: Critical Care
|Assessment |Medical/Nursing Diagnoses |Treatment |
|Brief review of the patient |Medical Diagnoses: |Therapeutic Modalities |
|Age: 86 years old |Admitting Diagnosis: |-Continuous vital sign machine: to constantly monitor vital (HR, BP, respiration, temperature and O2|
|History of present illness: This 86 year-old |Chronic Respiratory Failure (worsening of condition)- |saturation) and to see changes in patient’s health status. |
|Asian male admitted to the ER on 03/18/2013. He |Respiratory failure is a condition that results when too |-Tracheostomy: to prevent closure of airway because of patient’s chronic respiratory failure and |
|was brought to the ER from home by his family |little oxygen passes from the lungs into the blood or when |paralysis of throat muscles secondary to past CVA. |
|who care for him. The patient’s family found him|the lungs are unable to properly remove CO2 from the |-Trach collar with 40% O2:To maintain adequate oxygenation. |
|in respiratory distress and called emergency |blood. |-PICC line in right arm: for IV medication and central venous pressure monitoring (CVP) to measure |
|services. Fire and rescue responded and found |--Acute respiratory failure develops quickly and
References: Doenges, M., Moorhouse, M., & Geissler-Murr, A.C. (2008). Nursing diagnosis manual: Planning, individualizing, and documenting client care Ackley. L. (2011). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care (9th ed). St. Louis. MO: Mosby Elsevier. Güngör, G., Tatar, D., Saltürk, C., Cimen, P., Karakurt, Z., Kirakli, C., & ... Yilmaz, A. (2013). Why do patients with interstitial lung diseases fail in the ICU? A 2-center cohort study Huether, S. E., McCance, K. L., Brashers, V. L., & Rote, N. S. (2008). Understanding pathophysiology. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier. Lewis, S. M. (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier/Mosby. Micrmedix 2.0. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2013, from Enter URL Perrin, K. (2009). Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.