Berry Lozano
Patient: Brenda C Seggerman
Patient ID: 903321
Date of Admission: 3/27/2014
Admitting Diagnosis: Ectopic Pregnancy
Surgeon: Rosemary Bumbak, MD
Pathology finding: specimen 03-S-965
Specimen received: 03-27
Specimen reported: 03-30
Surgical Procedure: left partial salpingectomy
Clinical history- patient has an ectopic pregnancy, proven by pelvic ultrasound tissue received left Philopian tube.
Gross Description: exam of the specimen designated, left philopian tube, reveals the presence of the philopian tube measuring in 6cm in length and 2.3 cm in average diameter. Section of the tube shows to be distended with blood clot and possible fetal tissue. Represented sections are taking in three cossets, a-c form bedding.
Microscopic Description: microscopic examination performed
Microscopic Diagnosis: ruptured tubal pregnancy ICD code 633.1
Dr Lozano
D: 03/27/2014
T: 03/27/2014
C: Rosemary Bumbak
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