Healthcare Issues
In Mr.Trosacks case study, there are several areas in which the case manager needs to address when planning for Mr. Trosacks discharge.
To begin, the primary focus should be on proper care for a post op patient. This would include but not limited to; pain management, his ability to perform ADL’s and his accessibility and safety in his apartment. Education on his recent surgery and limitations he will now face and the possible duration of recovery would play a major role in his recovery process. This is important in planning for his recovery because he currently takes no medications and it is clear that he has no knowledge of the vitamins he takes. In addition, he has a cluttered medicine cabinet of old prescriptions. This shows that he is in definite need of education on medications and the importance of continuing them as prescribed to control the pain and the side effects associated with pain medications and the importance of antibiotics if he were to be prescribed them to prevent possible infection. As this could prove challenging, given his history of no prior medications at all at this time, and his complete independence prior to this incident.
Another health issue would be his new diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Both of the diagnoses have a need for extensive education as well, not only for the patient but for his family as well. The importance of taking his medications appropriately has to be emphasized to him and his family. In addition, the importance of keeping his diabetes under control and the possible effects diabetes can have on the healing process. This would also require some dietary counseling/ consulting as it is stated in the case study that he spends a lot of time at the bakery, which is probably where Mr. Trosack eats most of his meals.
Safety is also an issue for Mr. Trosack as his apartment is very cluttered and small. It needs safety bars
References: Adler, N., & Matthews, K. (1994). Health psychology: Why do some people get sick and some don’t Idler, E. L., & Benyamini, Y. (1997). Self-rated health and mortality: a review of twenty-seven community studies. Journal of health and social behavior, 21-37. Karp, J. F., Shega, J. W., Morone, N. E., & Weiner, D. K. (2008). Advances in understanding the mechanisms and management of persistent pain in older adults†. British journal of anesthesia, 101(1), 111-120. Stay well. Annual review of psychology, 45(1), 229-259. Tullmann, D. F., & Dracup, K. (2000). Creating a healing environment for elders. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 11(1), 34-50.