to help patients stay informed and motivated to take the medication.
Motivation is important to make sure that the patient is fully committed to the treatment plan in order to reach the health goal. However, there are barriers such as cultural factors, social factors, and patients’ personal beliefs that can hinder his/her motivation to continue treatment. Another major factor is the patient’s willingness to participate in and commit to the treatment plan and actually take action. This is why I feel like follow ups are important to make sure that the patient is consistent with the plan and is committed to reach the health goal.
Lastly, there is strategy, in order to help the patient remain adherent.
Physician and pharmacist should give patients tips that can help them remember to take their medication or even simple lifestyle modifiers that can help improve their health. Social support from family and friends can also help with increased patient adherence, such as a simple reminder or taking a stroll outside together. Within the article about patient adherence it stated that “Past research has found that family cohesiveness can positively influence patient adherence, and that family conflict can threaten it severely” (Sanchez 5). This shows how informing, motivating, and strategizing with both the patient and his/her family and friends can help to improve patient adherence, which can lead to a better health. It is never just one person’s job to inform the patient and continue to follow up with the patient’s health. It should be a healthcare team that can work together to improve the health of all