John is a Rastafarian; he had a fall while picking mangoes and received injuries to his head. John refuses to cut his hair in order for it to be properly cleaned and Sutter. It is the right of the patient to refuse care and the responsibility of the care given to educate the patient about the receiving care and the implications of refusing care. And he as the right to recommended a treatment or plan of care in case of such refusal John the patient is entitled to other services that the hospital provides or transfers to another hospital.
Legal framework The advances of technology and consequent expansion of the nursing role have made issues of malpractice very important to the nurse. The increase in professional authority, accountability and autonomy in nursing practice demands an understanding of the law to protect nurses from liability and to protect johns' rights. If a nurse performs a procedure that does not meet minimum standards, she may be held negligent. To prevent that I must have the person holding or acting in the office of Executive Director, Personal Health Services in the department (currently the Chief Medical Officer); and
The person holding or acting in the office of Executive Director, Population Health, or if there is no such office at the relevant time, the office of Executive Director, Public Health and Scientific Support Services in the department (currently the Executive Director of Population Health).
Scope of duties
As a nurse I’m suppose to provide the nursing care to John if I do not perform the activity or task. If another reasonably prudent nurse with similar education and experience would perform the task, if I have a valid written order from an MD, PA, or APRN, and if i have documented competency in that skill, i may perform the activity or task. This documentation must reflect the verbal communication of information to other person and accurately describe the nursing are provided by the practical