This concept has transformed the basis of healthcare from an authoritative health authority to that of the empowered individual. Patient centred care is defined by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as “health care that is respectful of, and responsive to, the preferences, needs and values of patients and consumers”. Although intended to put the patient first, this change in dynamic has introduced new expectations of patients. Rather than the patient putting complete trust in their doctor and complying with their doctor’s directives, the modern patient is expected, at least to some extent, to adopt an active role and provide input into their care. This requires the individual patient to possess skills, confidence, and some level of health literacy about their medications and conditions. This may an unreasonable expectation of some and may result in risky behaviours in …show more content…
Best practice for discharge and transfer from the hospital has been established. The evidence-based clinical decision support website UpToDate states that four elements should be performed during the discharge process. These include discharge planning, medication reconciliation, preparation of a discharge summary and patient instructions. Several factors are recognised as reducing the likeliness of a successful transition from acute care to primary care. These include adverse events, alterations to the patient’s medications which have not been communicated to the patient, and inadequate planning of the patient’s post-discharge care setting. Additionally, absent or delayed patient follow-up, or failure to hand-off pending tests may also decrease the chances of a successful transition. Finally, patients considered high risk due for other reasons may fail to successfully transition back into the community following hospital