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There have been more job opportunities for women to grasp. A study done by the Census Bureau concluded, “63% Percentage of social scientists who were women, the heaviest representation of women among all STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. Among other STEM fields, approximately 14 percent of engineers, 45 percent of mathematicians and statisticians, and 47 percent of life scientists were women.” As the evidence shows, more women are stepping up and seizing chances with the acknowledgment of others around them. You see women are reaching goals, and it is true that circumstances have improved; however, a lot of those opportunities are given like charity. There is a decently large pay gap between women and men. Research conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau states, “women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were paid, a gap of 20 percent.” Yes, the gap has increased as have open jobs for women, however, at the increase rate shown by research done throughout history, and currently, the gap will not be filled at a recent time. It will be decades before equality in workplace has arrived. On the surface it seems as though we have done good process but when we look at all the facts we see that we are capable of doing extraordinary