Notably, her work on the concept of standpoint epistemology was highly influenced by Dorothy Smith. Collins defined standpoint epistemology as the philosophical viewpoint that one knows is affected by the standpoint one has in society (particularly black women). She also emphasizes on the nature of race, class, gender, nationality, and sexual orientation that make up the standpoint. Moreover, standpoint theory and postmodernism are examples of critical theory—the commitment to justice for ones’ own kind or for other groups. Critical social theory highlights that groups of people are placed differently in social, political, and historical contexts that is identified as inequality (Applerouth & Edles,
Notably, her work on the concept of standpoint epistemology was highly influenced by Dorothy Smith. Collins defined standpoint epistemology as the philosophical viewpoint that one knows is affected by the standpoint one has in society (particularly black women). She also emphasizes on the nature of race, class, gender, nationality, and sexual orientation that make up the standpoint. Moreover, standpoint theory and postmodernism are examples of critical theory—the commitment to justice for ones’ own kind or for other groups. Critical social theory highlights that groups of people are placed differently in social, political, and historical contexts that is identified as inequality (Applerouth & Edles,