Abstract With the developments and the recent attacks on the internet, there has been a need to ensure that cyber attacks and terrorism have been the most common concerns for government regulations. After the numerous attacks and cyber attacks that are common on the internet, there has been the need to have laws and acts to control these terrorist acts. This is the reason why the USA patriot Act was formulated. The main intention was to ensure that terrorism was fought in the US and the rest of the world. This aspect allowed and gave the law the power and freedom to investigate the activities that are undertaken on the internet. This will be a way of protecting citizens and internet users from attacks that are bound to take place online. The act, therefore, allowed the people undertaking the investigations to use tools in the process of investigations for activities which are considered to be suspect. This paper will look at the USA Patriot Acts that were enacted to counter terrorism after the September 11 2001 attacks.
Introduction of USA Patriot Act
After the attacks which happened in the United States, the Congress agreed in one voice to have laws that would counter terrorism. This was undertaken in the quest to have safe America and security of the citizens of America. The main intention was to ensure that terrorism was fought in the United States and indeed, the whole world. This aspect allowed and gave the law the power and freedom to investigate the activities that are undertaken on the internet. This will be a way of protecting citizens and internet users from attacks that are bound to take place online. The act, therefore, allowed the people undertaking the investigations to use tools in the process of investigations for activities which are considered to be suspect. The tools that have been allowed by the act to be used in the fight of terrorisms and organized crime have been in
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