Patriot Day is the most important holiday of the year because on this day, not only do we remember the people that were killed in the worst terrorist attack on American soil, we also honor those who serve and have given their lives in the fight against terrorism. On September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked; two of the planes hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, and the other crashed in a field in Pennsylvania ( Nearly 3,000 people were killed in this horrific attack. The attack was done by a radical Muslim organization called Al-Qaeda. This is a day we should never forget because this attack was not just against the people that were killed but against our entire country. There are many important holidays but this is the only one that has united all of America and captivated the entire nation as a whole. It is also a National Day of Service and Remembrance where people honor veterans, soldiers, or first responders by giving them donations, care packages and writing thank you letters for them ( I can honestly say that everyone that I have ever talked to about what happened on 9/11 knows exactly where they were and what they were doing on this day. This holiday brought us together as a nation in a way that no other holiday does today. The importance of this holiday to the people of America is virtually undeniable. We had been attacked on our land by people that, from our perspective, had virtually no good reason for. As far as most people are concerned we did nothing to instigate the attack. For this reason, it physically, mentally, and emotionally brought this country together in the fight against terrorism. It made us realize that we are not impenetrable and that we need to stand together as a country to defend our borders and our people abroad. Many people chose to enlist in the military because of
References: 9/11 Commemorations and Memorials. (n.d.) Retrieved January 23, 2015. From. Patriot Day. (n.d.) Retrieved January 23, 2015. From. The 10 most diabolical evil teaching in all human history. (n.d.) Retrieved January 24, 2015. From. Tel Aviv bus knife attack: four seriously injured. (n.d.) Retrieved January 25, 2015, From