Assignment 1
Iliana Marin,
EDD 8472
Human Resource Development
Nova Southeastern University
May 31, 2009
Introduction What motivates one person may not motivate another; likewise the actions behind the motivational behavior may not always have the same impact on the same person. Today’s leaders need to identify legitimate and satisfactory ways to convince followers to improve their behavior and productivity on the job with limited financial resources. Leaders will need to be strategic and creative when developing plans that motivate and a diverse workforce. Changing people’s behaviors and values is very difficult, with this in mind supervisors design motivating jobs and work environments that deliver high performance results. (Robbins and DeCenzo, 2007) The writer will discuss different models and theories that show how to achieve this most efficiently such as the Self-Determination Theory (Turban et al, 2007), The Integrative Model (Eder and Sawyer 2008), and The Componential Model of Employee Creativity (Meyer and Becker, 2004) as it relates to teacher retention and motivation. Literature Review Multiple studies reveal that teacher retention needs to start the first day of orientation. Often teachers appear overwhelmed by the amount of information they are bombarded with a few days prior to the opening of school. New teachers eager to go into a classroom ready to change the world are faced with the reality of the many compliance issues necessary and required paperwork needed to teach. According to Charlton and Kritsonis (2009) employees make decisions to work for a particular organization based on how valued the company makes them feel, opportunity for growth, and financial rewards. In the teaching profession, financial rewards are difficult to deliver as most systems are based on seniority and educational credentials. Although there is ample opportunity for growth in the education arena,
References: Charlton, D. and Kritsonis, W. (2009-2010). National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal. V 26 (3). Turban et al (2008). Antecedents and locus of casualty: An application of self-determination theory. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2007, p.2376-2404. McNamara, H. (2009). Five ways to motivate staff during a recession. Ezine Articles. Retrieved May 29, 2009, from Robbins, S. P., & DeCenzo, D. A.. (2007). Supervision today (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.