When I say communication I am meaning to be able to go to your boss and talk with him or her. Not saying as a friends but as a trusted worthy coworker so you can tell your boss the problems you are having in the company. Focus directly on the problem its self that is causing you to feel stress. Learn how to deal with that situation and face it head on.
Some people bring stress with in their work environment with the negativity. As people a lot of time say they can – not, even have that mind - set that they are going to fail on project or even expecting a negative reaction from their peers. People a lot of times ignored stress and mistake the warning signs for some form of illness. The most popular signs of stress that I have seen are headaches. Which headaches are mistaking majority of time for a bad migraine. Another signs of stress that I have notice is a bad temper. People under stress have a very short temper and is very easy to make