Abstract Dr. Paul Robin Krugman is an American economist, bestselling author, and professor. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008 for Economics. Dr. Krugman is an international economics that experience’s in finance, trade theory, and economic geography. This paper is a short summary of his life.
Dr. Paul Krugman is an amazing American economist, Best Selling Author, and Professor. He was awarded by the American Economic Association the John Bates Clark Medal in 1991 and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic, in 2008. Krugman loves his work in international economics and economic geography, but he was known for his works like International Trade Theory and the New Trade Theory.
Paul R. Krugman was born in Albany, New York in February 28, 1953. Paul Krugman was the only child to David and Anita Krugman. David Krugman worked as an insurance industry manager. David and Anita Krugman have been married for over 50 years. Paul graduated from John F. Kennedy High School in Bellmore. Paul Krugman Received his Bachelors of Arts degree from Yale University in 1974. Paul continues to Massachusetts Institute of Technology to receive a Doctorates degree of Philosophy in 1977. Krugman and a group of MIT graduates went to Lisbon Portugal for the summer to work with the Central Bank of Portugal in 1976, after of the Carnation Revolution were over. In 1996 Paul Krugman Married Robin Wells, his second wife. Robin Wells a Yoga instructor and Professor at Princeton University. Paul and Robin Krugman have no children and live and teach at Princeton University to this day. Prior to starting his occupation at Princeton, Krugman was part of the faculty of Massachusetts Institute Technology from 1984-1994 and again from 1996-2000; his last place of employment was Ford International as a Professor of Economics. He has also taught at Yale and Stanford University’s from 1994-1996. Krugman also worked one year at the under Ronald
References: Barrueco, J. M., & CitEc Project. (2011, June). Top 10% Authors as of June 2011. In Economist Rankings at IDEAS (page 1) [Average Rank Score]. Retrieved from University of Valencia website: http://ideas.repec.org/top/top.person.all.html Columnist Biography: Paul Krugman (2008, October). New York Times, opinion Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/ref/opinion/KRUGMAN-BIO.html Krugman, P. (2008, September). The Conscience of a Liberal [Web log post] Retrieved from http://krugman.blog.nytimes.com Krugman, Paul. (2010, February)The Official Paul Krugman Web Page http://web.mit.edu/krugman Kurtz, H. (2002, January 30). And the Enron Pundits Washington Post, p. A23 Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A58606-2002Jan29?language=printer W.W. Norton & Company (2010, February). “About Paul Krugman” Lexis-Nexis Scholastic Universe http://www.krugmanonline.com/about.php “Paul Krugman, Nobel.” Forbes. (2008, October). Lexis-Nexis Scholastic Universe (2010, February) http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/13/krugman-nobel-economics-oped-cx_ap_1013panagariya.html