In 49CE the debate regarding the inclusion of gentiles resulted in the council of Jerusalem. Pauls argument that gentiles do not need to become Jewish and undertake circumcision to become Christians prevailed at the council. This was significant to the development of Christianity because it made Christianity into a separate religion rather then just a variant of Judaism.
Paul also developed some of the key theological beliefs that form the basis of Christianity. Paul laid down some of the foundational beliefs of Christianity. That “all humans will be resurrected through their beliefs in Jesus.” Philippians 2:8-9. He also said that all humans can seek atonement for their sins. He laid down the trinity- the father, the son and the holy sprit. He also preached the concept of agape (selfless love). Paul also made the power of the cross as a symbol of redemption. These foundational beliefs were significant to the development of Christianity because it identified what it was to be a Christian and what Christian spirituality. His writings have inspired during time of reform in the church e.g. the reformation, Vatican