BIB 105
05 May 2013
Prof. Todd Fowler
Paul 's Many Missionary Journeys ' Paul, born Saul was originally born in Tarsus and a good Pharisee that knew the Bible and believed that the Christian movement was dangerous to Judaism. Thus, Paul hated Christian faith and persecuted them without mercy. Paul got permission to go to Damascus to capture Christians and bring them back to Jerusalem. God stopped him in his tracks, as Paul was blinded by heavenly lights and met Jesus. A disciple named Ananias was told to go see Paul by the Lord to return his sight. Ananias stated, "Lord, I have heard many reports about this man and all harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief to arrest all who call on your name" (Acts 9:13-14, Life Application Study Bible, 2011, NIV). The Lord told Ananias to go to him anyway and he went despite the understandable feelings he had, Ananias knew he must obey God. The Holy Spirit fill Saul, now Paul and changed his life and subsequent accmplishments to bear strong witness to the Holy Spirit 's presence and power in him. For now Paul was ready to take on his journey 's as God saw a need for the teaching of the gospel. Paul 's first journey started in Antioch, Syria; which became his headquarters. Paul left with a man named Barnabas, and followed the Roman empire roads, this made travel easier. They went to the most populated cities and spoke to the Jews about the Messiah first in hopes to spread the Good News through them first. They took with them a younger man named Mark, who was wise and knowledgeable, but lacked the courage to speak up about the Gospel. From Antioch they went to "Salamis, an tiny island on Cyprus to establish a synagogue; Modus Operandi" (Canyon, Paul 's First Journey). This is where Paul lost his original name Saul and became Paul. A proconsul, Sergius Paulus, approached the men apon their arrival to the city of Paphos to hear the word of God, but
References: Life Application Study Bible. (2011). Grand Rapids, MI: Tyndale House. Campbell, T. H. (1955, June). Paul 's 'Missionary Journeys ' as Reflected in His Letters. Journal of Biblical Literature, 74(2), 80-87. doi:10.2307/3261307 Canyon, U. G. (n.d.). Paul 's Journey 's. Phonenix, AZ, USA. Retrieved May 03, 2013, Niswonger, R. L. (1992). New Testament History (1992 ed.). (G. Terpstra, Ed.) Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Zondervan Publishing House.