Liliana Hernandez-Corniel HR586- Labor Relations Prof. J. Robinson May 27, 2011
In this day in age, depending on what kind of industry you work in there will definitely be non-productive time as well as productive time. However, the employer can never really nail down how much time the employee actually does not work unless you actually sit down to analyze and see how much your company is losing out. As I make my analysis regarding our company, we lose out on extensive monies when we start adding up how many non-productive hours each employee waste each year. The average hourly rated full-time employee makes about $33,000 a year in which broken down to all the time given off, only actually earns about $26,000. As for the employees which are paid through set salaries, the average individual makes about $40,000 in which only about $33,000 is worked productively. As we can see, we are losing out about $7,000 per employee, hourly or not. All the given non-productive is the same for all employees across the board. As you can see, this issue needs to be addressed and hence my recommendations. We have 60 employees in our corporate office. On average, we lose out on about $420,000.00 a year. We can definitely cut back on some of these non-productive hours and start making them profitable. All employees get 10 days vacation, we can change our probation period from 90 to 120 days, and employees are not allowed to take any time off until they have successfully surpassed 6 months. Furthermore, depending on your start date with the company, we can prorate the amount of vacation time allowed. If you commence in the months of November or December, vacation does not apply being that we go by the calendar year. In regards to holidays, we can exclude from having the day after Thanksgiving off, this would save us about $9500.00 for this one day alone and it would increase our