Goldberg Dey, Judy and Catherine Hill,. "Behind the Pay Gap." Published by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. (2007): 26. Goldberg Dey, Judy and Catherine Hill did some positive contributions in revealing some of the causes of gender wage gap. The article focuses more on how the responsibilities of the two genders have had a hand on the increased cases of gender wage gap. From the article, mothering ability of women is one of the key factors which have a say on gender disparity when it comes to wages. The article is very important in this paper since it gives a definition og gender wage gap and how this aspect has been contibuted into by gender responsibilities. Therefore, I will use it greatly in identifying how gender responsibility plays a key role in gender wage gap.
Kahn, L Blau F &. "The Gender Pay Gap: Have Women gone as far as they can? Academy of Management Perspectives." (2007): 1-23.
This is an article which was advanced by Kahn and Blau for the purpose of informing the society on the causes and effects of gender pap gap in the society. The article generally look at how in the society, there exists a gap between what men and women earn as their pay in …show more content…
Moreover, the authors highlighted that market forces cannot be the only determinants of gender wage gap in the society rather there are other societal and historical causes which need to be studied in details. This article will be very useful in this paper as it will state some of these factors rather than markets forces which have had a contribution on increased cases of gender wage gap in the society. at the same time, there will be an analysis of wage determination which will try to give an answer as to why women earn less as compared to their male