Payday loans are a type of short term loan that you can use to quickly get cash until your next paycheck. They are easy to get and generally online require proof of employment and a checking account. Basically you will write the company a postdated check that won't be deposited until after you get paid again. This type of loan doesn't even require a credit check.
Personal loans are convenient, but they aren't the right solution for every problem. They are expensive and generally charge high fees and interest. These loans can have APRs as high as 500% if you aren't careful. They are only a temporary solution and should be used with care and discretion. A payday loan may be right for your situation, but it might not be. Keep reading for five reasons why a payday loan might not be worth the risk. …show more content…
When you go in for a loan you will write a check that the company will cash at a later date. If you receive $100 you will generally have to write the check for at least $115 to cover the fees associated with the loan. Most lenders charge between $15 and $50 per $100 received depending on the length of the loan term.
Many people think that they will be able to repay the loan once they receive their next check, but this isn't always possible. When the loan comes due if the money isn't available the borrower will then have to take out another loan which will result in more fees. This can quickly become overwhelming and spiral out of control. Some lenders even offer roll over options which allow borrowers to have more time to repay and in turn result in more fees. As these loans roll over they get bigger and bigger and the company will simply withdrawal the renewal fee from the borrowers account each time the loan term comes