On Monday in week one I did Circuit training, which is a form of body conditioning using resistance training and an aerobic style of exercise. I did activities such as press-ups, shuttles, star jumps, planks, burpies, squats, lunges mountain climb, step-ups and skipping. I included this method of training to improve my Aerobic and Anaerobic energy systems. The circuit we did helped to improve the components of power, agility, speed, muscular endurance and muscular strength. The positives of this training session were that I used a full range of activities to give my whole body a good work out. For example I used my Triceps, Deltoid and Pectorals major when I was doing press-ups, and my Gluteus Maximus, hamstrings and quads when I was doing step-ups. The negatives of this training session were that the day after I did this training session my muscle was sore. If I did this method of training again in my training programme I wouldn’t make any changes because I thought this training session was a good workout for my body because it helped to improve my components of fitness.
On Wednesday in week one I did Plyometric training, which is a type of exercise designed to produce fast and powerful movements. Plyometric exercises use fast acting movements to develop muscular power to improve overall speed of your body. I did activities such as squat jumps, lunge jumps, tuck jumps, ladder jumps, hopping, skipping and little feet to sprint. I included this method of training to improve my ATP-CP energy system when I was