Goodness: The state or quality of being good. Leif Enger chose to express this word in several ways through out the novel Peace Like a River. Leif Enger had a distinctive way, of symbolizing goodness. It could put anyone's mind to use. Goodness is not to be taken for granted, or even lightly for that matter. Goodness is associated with kindness and a large portion of this can also be referred to as "hospitality." It came from the Lands, and quite often was received by the Lands. The first time goodness was recognized as hospitality, was when the Lands would open the arms and doors to anyone who needed somewhere to stay or even just a bowl or three or soup. "Where's your next stop, …show more content…
Two of these unconscious acts happened close to the same time. The first one being, when Swede could not kill Valdez. She wasn't aware of it at the time but Valdez actually represented Davy and the act he had gone through with. She a variety of different ending to "kill him off" but she just couldn't go through with it. "It doesn't matter if it sounds good, I can't write it so he's really dead." That was vocalized by Swede while she was trying to kill Valdez but she couldn't because it symbolized Davy getting caught and that was the last thing that Swede wanted. "You want us to do anything Dad?" Rueben "Preserve" That was said around the time when Mr. Land started selling his things for money, the Lands were extremely tight on money, and unconsciously Swede persuaded Rueben to use his money he made and spend it on groceries for the family. Rueben did that exactly, the goodness came from inside him, he easily could have spent it on himself, and instead he made higher standards for himself and gratefully bought the