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You are here: 1. Home 2. Issues 3. Articles 4. War, Propaganda and the Media 5. The Peace Journalism Option
The Peace Journalism Option
This article is a reposting from the old POIESIS web site (which has now been replaced by some search engine site). They ran a series known as Conflict and Peace Forums and in 1997 and 1998 provided transcripts. Part 1 (1997) is provided here. It is reposted here because some articles on this site cited it. In addition, it is a useful read. You can also see the original site via, at
This web page has the following sub-sections: 1. The Peace Journalism Option 2. Orientation vs. Objectivity 1. Bell vs Simpson 2. The Home front 3. EFFECTIVENESS against MANIPULATION 1. Threats and Ambitions 4. INFORMATION is never INNOCENT 1. Market Forces 5. WAR STORIES 6. THE NEWS VALUES of WAR JOURNALISM 1. Us and Them 2. Winners and Losers 7. THE NEWS VALUES of PEACE JOURNALISM 1. Practical Peace Journalism 2. A Voice for All Parties 3. Organisational Memory 8. STORIES of HUMAN INTEREST 1. A Focus on People 2. Victim Journalism 9. A JOURNALISM of EMPOWERMENT 1. People as Peace-makers? 10. FRAMEWORKS of UNDERSTANDING 11. A TIME of OPPORTUNITY 1. Peace Journalism and Political Reporting 2. Parliamentary vs Extra-Parliamentary Action 12. IRELAND 1. Swampy and the undercurrents Movement 13. SOLIDARITY and NETWORKING
References: 1. Phillip Knightley - The First Casualty: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist and Myth-Maker from Crimea to Vietnam. Andre Deutsch, 1975. 2. Martin Bell - In Harm 's Way: Reflections of a War-Zone Thug. Penguin, revised edition, 1996. 3. Terry Eagleton - Literary Theory: An Introduction. Blackwell, 1983. 8. Fergal Keane - Season of Blood: A Rwandan Journey. Penguin, 1996. 10. James Curran in Curran/Seaton - Power Without Responsibility: The Press and Broadcasting in Britain. University Paperback, (Routledge), third edition, 1988. 18. Nicholas Jones - Campaign 1997: How the General Election was Won and Lost. Indigo, 1997. 21. Robin Grove-White - Brent Spar Rewrote the Rules. New Statesman, 20 June, 1997. 22. Thaddeus C Penas and Dr Gregory Pirio - Lessons Learned: Conflict Resolution and the Media, the Voice of America. VoA report, 1996.