|Catholic Church that sought to revitalize the |Peace of Augsburg (1555)- A regions rule would determine its religion, However it |…
The Peace of Augsburg was signed in 1555, ending the wars of religion in the Holy Roman Empire. It stated that the leaders of the many provinces in the Empire can decide what religion they wanted their people to follow. This treaty recognized Lutheran Protestants and Catholics, but not Calvinism. This essentially was the first time in the Holy Roman Empire that another religion was allowed, besides Catholicism.…
The governments of the interregnum failed to find an acceptable settlement predominantly due the power vacuum which was left by the King when he was executed. This wasn't helped by the lack of legitimacy of the regicide where only 59 MP's signed Charles' death warrant. However one could argue that Oliver Cromwell, Parliament and The New Model Army's want and desire for more power also led to the failure to find an acceptable settlement.…
DESCRIPTION: Lutherans and Catholics arranged peace between them. The Peace of Augsburg permitted people to transplant to a religion whose faith was more congenial.…
Dealing with enemies has been a problem since the beginning of time. "I never killed anybody," Gene had commented later in his life, "And I never developed an intense level of hatred for the enemy. Because my war ended before I ever put on a uniform, I was on active duty all my time at Devon; I killed my enemy there." In A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, the value of dealing with enemies is shown by Gene, who was dealing with few human enemies, but his emotions created far greater rivals than any human could ever posses.…
Wars of Religion: Intense popular religious disputes led to cases of popular unrest and mob violence in France and Germany. Many political actors (kings & other nobility) found common cause with Luther’s theological revolt against Rome. As religious, political, and economic tensions became intertwined, peasant revolts broke out in the German lands in the 1520s, Catholic-Huguenot violence tore France apart from 1562 to 1598, and finally the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) pitted the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire against Protestant kings and princes throughout Europe who sought independence from Rome and the Emperor. While the Peace of Westphalia brought an end to the fighting and established the modern state system in Europe, it recognized the end of Catholic religious unity in the continent. 4.…
In 1919, President Wilson joined delegates of Italy, France, England, and Japan in the Palace of Versailles to negotiate peace. When the conference was adjourned, the Treaty of Versailles had been created. However, the treaty was killed by Congress. It was not the strength of the opposing forces' argument, but rather the incompetence, rigidity, and obstinacy of President Wilson that lead to the Senate defeat of the Treaty of Versailles.…
The summer of 1914 in Europe came along with one of the mast disastrous and bloody wars that ever existed on the planet. The Great War of World War 1 as it is called, violent discontent between so no many different countries in the world in which many died. By 1917, after many difficulties of neutrality, the United "States had to enter the Great War.…
Clare, John D " Why the League Failed" Greenfield History Site. 2002 Online. Available: http://www.johndclare.net/league_of_nations8.htm Dec. 24 2005…
GREAT DEBATE (1919-1920): Versailles Treaty and League of Nations. Should the United States ratify the Versailles Treaty and join the League of nations?…
The great writer George Orwell once stated, “Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not." (Orwell). Knowles had this same struggle, and like Orwell used it to his advantage. The novels of John Knowles reflect his personal background and frequently explore the time period in which he lived through WWII. Throughout his life he reflected on his childhood, nurtured his love and ability of writing, and was rewarded for his great works in literature.…
Paramount, the German, French, and English wars ended with a compromise, as well as the spread of Protestantism. Germany concluded their war with the Peace of Augsburg. Signed in 1555, the compromise granted individual rulers to choose religion for their land, signifying the toleration and spread of Protestantism in Germany. England concluded their war with the 39 Articles of Religion. Signed in 1563, this compromise combined Catholic rituals and Calvinist doctrines, while denouncing parts of the English Church, ultimately helping Protestantism spread throughout England. France concluded their war with the Edict of Nantes. Enacted in 1598, this compromise granted Huguenots substantial rights and complete tolerance within the borders. Compromise and religious tolerance were the main similarities concluding the war.…
Religion was successful in creating a common characteristic, by which people categorized themselves. For example, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile reformed Spain by requiring all citizens to be Catholic. This would allow them to have better control and a shared attribute with the citizens of Spain, which would allow for a more centralized territory that would become a nation state. Also during this time period the Calvinists in the Holy Roman Empire area controlled by Philip II were being persecuted for their religion. The common religion in these Dutch provinces allowed for them to form together and create a centralized territory which eventually would become the Dutch Netherlands. German principalities also used their religion as a common characteristic to hold themselves together. When Martin Luther told the German Princes to separate from the Pope and Holy Roman Empire, they unified under Lutheranism which led to the development of that nation state.…
The signing of the Peace of Augusburg in 1555 helped suppress repercussions pertaining from the Protestant Reformation; stating that one nation shall only have, respectively, one ruler, religion, and law. While beneficial for non-mingled states, the melting pot that which was France was torn due to the vast difference of religions; Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinists, ect. Within the decade of the Peace of Augusburg,…
The Versailles Treaty was commissioned by Great Britain, France, and a defeated Germany. Together they hoped the treaty would stabilize Europe and guarantee another world war would never happen again. However, just over two decades later, once again war engulfed Europe. So, is it logical that the question be asked; how did the Versailles Treaty help cause World War II? The treaty put much punishment on Germany by territory losses, major military restrictions, economical reparations, and the War Guilt Clause.…