blacks suffered a lot because of the whites that would treat them bad and would call them names. I think that for Rosa Parks to keep working for what she was fighting for was a positive impact because know their isn't a lot of racism and they are able to go to the streets free and not worry about them getting called names or getting beat up.
The same way Martin Luther King Jr. did he fought for people to have a dream and fight for what he wanted to fight for. I think that a lot of people seen how the blacks were getting treated and they decided that it was time to give the blacks a chance to have their words spoken out. Their was people that wouldn't care what the whites thought or said because to them they didn't have a voice. Their was a lot of times in which the blacks had were being beat up for a lot of things that wasn't their fault. It's not the black peoples fault they had to be slaves and they had to be seen as the bad people just because they defended themselfs or just because they wanted the right things to be done. I do think that peaceful resistance is a positive things that the blacks at the end of the day were able to have what they were fighting for. They were able to sit and share things with the blacks without being beat up. Their were blacks that were still being beat up even after they had the things they had fought
for. And the blacks were able to have a voice that they couldn't have for along time. They were also to have a change to do things or have the rights that they were suppose to have since the beginning. They were able to share the same bathroom or same things with other people that have a different skin color. Most of the black people were happy because they were able to have the opportunity they didn't have before. They was a lot of blacks that were killed because they would get beat up.