Scientists think they have figured out where the pretty colors have come from. Doekele Stavenga, from the University of Groningen in Netherland. Who is a expert in optics, has collected these spiders with his colleagues. They looked into the scales in the spiders back ends.
The Scientist in his group used techniques such as microscopy, spectrometers and others to look at the scales or images in a larger scale. They feel that the pigments in the color is reflecting light to produce the pretty colors. They feel the pigments even the white ones are a lower level of pigments. There is like spines lining the scales and the species scatter the lights randomly. This is what gives them the different colors when you look at them from other directions. …show more content…
The scientist seems to feel they lack pigment so they look more transparent. This makes them look like iridescent blue and purple colors. The scale, each one of them look like a sac or peapod. They state that the scales are lined with tiny ridges on the outside. In the inside there is a threadlike fibers. The distance between those fibers help determine the color such as bluer or purple.
It is not known if the spiders can see the pretty patterns, but species of the jumping spider can see a long way such as three colored ranges. I guess that is what we see. So the pretty dance they do for their mate seems