However, there was increasing criticism of the institution of serfdom. The Russian empire had, since the reign of Ivan III, been a largely serf based rural nation. 85% of the populations at this time were peasants and most of those, serfs. A serf was someone who was owned by the Land lord, usually a member of the nobility, the serf would work there land until there death, with very little freedoms and certainly no education.…
Alexander ll was seen to be liberal in the early years of his reign as seen in the emancipation of the Serfs in 1861. This gave the Serfs more freedom and basic rights which at this time was a major liberal reform compared to the majority of the previous Tsars, this was by in large Alexander’s greatest reform. The emancipation, he hoped, would lead to greater agricultural output in order to finance the railways, and the beginning of the…
Huge changes came to Russia when the tsar Alexander II came to power. His reforms freed the serfs and industrialized the nation’s economy. In the past, Russian serfs were tied to the land and worked on the land for the land owners and received no pay. While they were permitted to have farms of their own, serfs had to work the lord’s land whenever called upon, even during times of harvest when their own crops need harvesting or tending. Due to Alexander II’s reforms, these serfs were freed. Once these serfs were freed, they either went into the city to look for work or out to the country to find land. Many also fled to surrounding societies to escape the Russian hardships of being a serf. Russian labor was also changed through Industrialization, also influenced by Alexander II’s reforms. Factories and railroads expanded and industries like coal, steel, and petroleum boomed. Serfs who were emancipated found easy work in factories that were booming. With new industries creating new jobs and plenty of freed serfs to take them, the Russian labor system greatly changed between 1750 and 1914.…
Over the period from 1855 to 1964, Russia saw various reforms and policies under the Tsars and the Communist leaders that had great impacts on its economy and society both positive and negative. Lenin definitely implanted polices that changed society and the economy for example with war communism. However whether his policies had the greatest impact is debatable and in this essay I will be assessing the view whether Lenin had the greatest impact on Russia’s economy and society than any other ruler between the period from 1855-1964.…
Many historians argue The Emancipation of the Serfs in 1861, to be a key turning point within Russian history. It drastically altered Russia’s economic, political and social stipulation. One could propose the argument that this event lead to the fall of communism in 1990, further more suggesting the extent to which this event affected Russia. Hence this is ‘perhaps the most defining moment in Russian history, with its impact being seen many years after the event itself’. Although historians identify short term effects of this event, the significance to which this event developed Russian government and society up to the 21st century has been so tremendous that they cannot be disregarded. However when one considers the argument of the likes of Louis Hobart who suggests the event was only a contributing element to ‘the social and economic transformation’ it must be asked to what extent was this event alone a key turning point in the development of Russian Government?…
Alexander ll recognized as the Tsar liberator was known mostly for the emancipation of the serfs. Serfs were the biggest social problem Russia faced as 80% of the population were serfs or state peasants. Serfdom had existed elsewhere in Europe in the 19th century but 1885 Russia was the only major power which kept serfdom. Eventually in 1861 Alexander ll issued an imperial decree which abolished serfdom. This was a huge step for Russia in the 19th century as it showed that they trying to do something about their progression in time. However this did not mean that former serfs were…
The first way the Russian state was more stable in 1881 was the increased freedom of the serfs. Serfdom was abolished in 1861, and although the serfs were not completely free, this was a major step for Russia, and helped them catch up to the western countries. This made the state more stable, because it briefly caused a decrease in the number of occasions of peasant unrest, which had been increasing before the decree was passed. It was hoped that the emancipation of the serfs would mean the peasants were free to leave the land they had been previously bound to, but there were many rules that came with the emancipation decree, which made it hard for the peasants to leave, and also to increase their wealth, due to one rule saying they must pay the landlords labour service of two years before they were truly free.…
This period of time ensured many changes, positive and negative regarding the labor system. It is evident that serfdom congealed from about 1750 onwards, meaning that the peasants were required to provide free labor for a particular number of days a year or a specific amount of money to their lords. The time of labor depended on when it was needed. For example, during harvesting or sowing. The job had to be done, regardless, the peasants own farming responsibilities. Subsequent to the emancipation of serfs in 19th century, they had to buy their own freedom, as they were granted land they also had to pay for working on it. Eventually, such strict limitations caused farmers and peasants to leave their farming business and seek more opportunities in large urban areas. That lead to Russia’s rapid industrialization during the 18th. However, prior to Russia's industrialization workers set up guilds to protect their interests. Such guilds were often set up in areas where workers migrated to work - such as logging camps, and were often communal. Although, as the industrialization finally occurred in 19th century, people traveled to cities seeking more opportunities, causing the population to extremely swell. Such overpopulation ensued in dangerous working conditions, very poor sanitation and exploitation of the workers. Such circumstances were very hard to fight off as Russia didn’t have a very strong reformist movement to address such problematic aspects of the society. Unsuccessful attempts to reform the working class troubles, resulted in growing unrest and discontent among all. Eventually, public announcement of opinions was strictly forbidden and punished by a trip to Siberia, which was later widely expanded by the…
After the war in 1856 Nicholas's son Alexander II decided to move Russia toward modern needs and social changes. Alexander believed that his reforms would allow Russia to compete with western Europe for world power. The first of Alexander's reform was an official order for freeing the serfs in 1861. However, putting an end to serfdom only went halfway. Instead of individual peasants, peasant communities were given about half the farmland in the country, nobles kept the other half and the government paid the wealthy people for their land. However, each peasant community had 49 years to pay the government for the land it had received. Therefore, while the serfs were legally free the money that was owed still tied them to the land. Political and…
The first measure he took shortly after he came to power was to emancipate the serfs in order to modernise Russia and finally bring social stability after years of chaos and fighting to keep up with the West. The Emancipation Edict was passed in 1861 but was better known as the “Great Disappointment” due to the fact that state serfs had to wait until 1866 to be freed, and as a result of the redemption tax serfs had to pay back to their former owners for the loss of labour and as payment for the allotments they received at emancipation. The serfs also could not keep the land they had worked - day and night – on and ended up getting bad quality land most of the time as their former owners kept the fertile, good quality land, and this unfair distribution of land led to even more hostility and disappointment. Mirs were set up to provide uniformity and stability. They were responsible for the allocation of land and they had special village courts, which ensured that the peasants remained separate and denied the full equality of other citizens, despite supposedly being “free”.…
Agriculture was a crucial area which needed to be reformed if Russia was to ever be modernised. At the root of the inherently backward Russia was the peasant workforce, who mainly worked in the agricultural sector, which left Russia a world away from other European Countries in terms of industry. ‘Out of the 60 million people in European Russia in 1855, 50 million were peasant serfs’1; this was a huge obstacle to modernisation as it limited. The goal of Emancipation was to release the peasants from the land that they were bound to in order to create an industrial workforce that would drive modernisation. The predominantly agricultural workforce would now work in factories thus changing Russia into an industrial juggernaut, which would be key in modernising Russia. The reform was also crucial as it was the first step in the deconstruction of the Ancien Regime within Russia. Emancipation was key in establishing support for the monarchy, ‘in other countries Serf emancipation took place as a consequence of social and organic change’2, this meant that in Russia the monarchy had…
Serfdom and peasant conditions constituted burning issues in nineteenth century Russia because? The size of peasantry meant that economic change depended on new flexibility in rural life…
For Russia, they believed the emancipation of serfdom would lead to a successful social reform. Serfdom did not improve society because it was similar to slavery. It led to economic decline, rural instability, and discontent peasants. Many rebellions occurred during this century because of serfdom. As a result, the Russian government decided to balance the interests of lords and serfs.…
When Alexander II became the Tsar, Russia was in total disarray. Her once widely respected and feared army was humiliated on the battlefields in the Crimean Peninsula, 80% of the people were in poverty and illiterate. Russia was still stuck in the middle ages while the rest of Europe was steaming in through the Industrial Era. Alexander II saw this as a need for change, primarily in response to the Crimean War, however to be able to do this, he also had to change the Russian society, therefore in 1861 he abolished serfdom, becoming the most significant events in Imperial Russian history, giving him the name as the ‘Tsar Liberator’ (Watts, Peter, History Review, 2014). However, although Alexander II’s reforms did pave the way for a more educated,…
The first reason for the revolution in 1905 was the developments in the Russian countryside and how they produced a general unhappiness among the landowners and even the peasants. A long-term social and economic cause was the continuing dissatisfaction of both these groups to the Emancipation reform of Alexander II in 1861. The Landowners did not approve of the act because it denied them the free labour they had access to before the emancipation of the serfs. They had lost their free labour and large amounts of their land. By 1905 many of the Landowners were facing large debts. Although the act did end serfdom in Russia, the peasants were still angry due to the redemption payments they were expected to pay and the poor quality of land they received. They also disliked the fact that they were still tied to the…