The various perspectives presented as the initial factors for starting the Peasants Wars’ and involving the Reformation generally connect to social, religious, and economic change in the sixteenth century. These sources are written by scholars in their own specialized area, some authors comparing a critiquing others works whereas others are just analyzing events. I enhanced my understanding of the topic by doing background research on smaller subtopics relating to the complaints and to the Peasants’ War, also by gaining a better basis understanding it allows you to have a better in-depth understand of the more complicated and situational events that happened throughout the …show more content…
The author exhibits his knowledge on the subject and has done the research and analysis to verify his claims about wages and prices and how those factors affected economic states at the time. When focusing on the economic history the author analyzes preceding authors who have completed similar works on the topic, comparing to fully understand the economic state of various countries across Europe. The author argues that the prices and wages analyzed have a direct correlation to the standard of living all across Europe. This standard of living can also be theorized to have a connection to discontent in peasants and lower classes and therefore leading to the Peasants’