Submitted to:
Ma’am Sara
Submitted by:
Itrat A
Pedagogy came from Greek root where it means ‘To lead a child’. This is if not completely than partially self explanatory. How? Pedagogy is related to teach a child or young ones. It’s a process through which a teacher adopts different teaching methods to complete the objectives. In this approach the teacher is a main figure. He/She helps student with everything and is the only source of guidance or to be looked upon for any problem. In this process teacher is a evaluator. The delivery of any sort of knowledge is a sole responsibility of a teacher and a child as a student is just a follower. Moreover, Teacher’s experiences are influential to learners.
Andragogy is a totally different teaching approach. Andragogy comes from greek root too where it means ‘Adult learning’. In this process a learner is self directed and responsibility of learning is only on a learner. Teacher is not a central figure in this approach but he appears only as a helper or motivator to student to learn more. It’s a work of co-ordination and co-operation between teacher and a student. In addition to this, learners in this process also co-operate with each other and learn from each others’ experiences too. In this process we can say that a student or a learner is main figure.
Just like Andragogy, the main objective of Heutagogy is to provoke students or learners for independent learning through reasoning and logical approach. This is a process of independent learning where teachers are only to help their students and rest has to be done by students on their own. Here teacher is a helper but certainly not a evaluator. This learning process possess qualities of modern learning system and highly recommended in this modern world. To acquire knowledge through one’s own mind and hard work is comparatively a better