INTRODUCTION College Students are encountering lots of problem. It may include school problems, family problems and some are personal problems that he or she keeps on his or her own, and it will have a great impact to their Academic Performance. But, for you being pressured by your parents and peers is another part of the story. This study will help us on what state does peer and Parent Pressure affects the 3rd year students on their Academic Performance.
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Peers a group of people who understands each other and have the same interest. They can be either a good or bad influence in our academic performance as for us college students. Peer Pressure is the reason why some of the teenagers are being rebellious. They are engaged for trying new things for them to fill in their curiosity. Being pressured by your friends and you are forced to do the things that are not right. But, there were also good effects when you’re surrounded with good influenced people that will lead you to the right path and that will mold your skills.
Peer pressure by itself is neither positive nor negative. For example, both high and low academic achievements are closely linked to peer influences. Several studies confirm research findings that the values of the peer group with whom the high school student spends the most time are a stronger factor in the student's level of academic success than the values, attitudes, and support provided by the family. Compared to others who started high school with the same grades, students whose families were not especially supportive, but who spent time with an academically oriented peer group, got better grades.
Parent Pressure is the main reason why teenagers are forced to study and achieved their parents expectations. But there were some students that were pressured by their parents for Some college students are eager to fit in the society where they tend to push themselves to group of people that of the same interest that they have. But there were individuals that want to fit in to a group but they don’t belong. That way he or she is pressured to do the things that the group does.