Appendix G
Peer Review Checklist*
|What is the main point of this paper? | |
| | |
| |The main point of this paper is to inform the audience about gun control. |
| | |
|What is the greatest strength of this paper?| |
| | |
| |The greatest strength of this paper is that there are so many valid points involved. |
| | |
|What material does not seem to fit the main | |
|point of the paper or does not seem to be |I feel as though all of the material fit in the main point. All of the points in the |
|appropriate for the audience? |paper are appropriate for the audience. |
| | |
|Has the author sufficiently addressed | |
|counterarguments? Explain your answer. |Yes, I feel as though the author addressed counterarguments sufficiently. The author |