Your Name Writer’s Name:
Read the essay completely once. Then, read it again taking all of the following into consideration. Be honest, constructive, and appropriate in your comments Read objectively
Do not offer comments like “Cool,” Great,” “I liked it,” or anything else that does not include a scholarly explanation or justification for the comment Feedback is important, especially at this critical first stage Help your classmate think outside the box; does what you read bring something to mind? If so, tell them. This is the kind of creative banter that inspires imagination.
1. Check the paper’s MLA style – are changes needed to the (make bold your answer): heading? yes/no title? yes/no page numbers? yes/no margins? yes/no font? yes/no page length? yes/no any explanations to these answers?
2. Read the paper from beginning to end for understanding (make bold your answer): Rate the paper on a scale of 1-5 for enjoyment 1 2 3 4 5 Rate the paper on a scale of 1-5 for understanding 1 2 3 4 5
3. Locate the thesis statement and copy/paste here: Within John H. Banzhaf III’s essay, “Lawsuits against Fast Food Restaurants Are an Effective Way to Combat Obesity”, there is an overwhelming theme of foregoing personal responsibility. Banzhaf, an American legal activist, preaches the importance of the public being made aware of the dangers of fast food. However, he seems to willingly overlook the responsibility that the public holds to itself for the sake of frivolous litigation. He himself has stated that improving one’s personal health is dependent on one’s own desire to do so, while pushing lawsuits that plead the ignorance of the public.1 Banzhaf is often compared to Ralph Nader for his public health advocacy. However, he seems to opportunistically advocate the use of excessive legal action for personal gain, even though he seemed to once stand for the public welfare. Rewrite the thesis statement in your own words here: