In this experiment the purpose is to study the period of the pendulum with different masses. Secondly to also study the relationship in the different lengths of the string and how it affects the period. Thirdly to find the different (time) periods in the changes in the arc size.
If the pendulum is set , the force of the motion is used to swing back and forth . where the t period is the time the pendulum takes to complete a cycle of oscillation. As t-1/f the complete distance of the pendulum and its mass is finished , the cycle is described as the amplitude of oscillation (tmass). When the arc is measured the equilibrium position is at sin theta , where the approximate measurement will use sine theta where f=mg , where the angle is theta equalled to x/l, where the arc size …show more content…
As for the pendulum with the different string lengths have changes in the period time as the string length decreases so does the time period of the oscillation. Lastly as for the arc size of the pendulum as it increases so does the time period of the oscillation and there is more force on the pendulum. Where the length of the string can be shown as 1/(time period (t)) for all three experimental mass.
What will be measured? In this experiment the elements that will be measured is the 1 the oscillation of a pendulum, 2 the different masses of a pendulum and 3 the different lengths of a pendulum.
Material (apparatus)
The apparatus for this experiment will include the following. Firstly in order to start the experiment the stand of the pendulum will require the wood planks, nails and the brackets to hold the stand. Followed by the building string, stopwatch, nuts (weights), pegs, fishing hooks, the measuring tape and either a drill or a screwdriver which ever one is more preferable to be