pick up the slack for the employees who were either terminated or resigned. The employees…
The Patriots have committed many scandals, but the most surprising is the Bill Belichick Spygate Scandal in 2007. This wrongdoing was so the Patriots could know what the other team was going to do by studying what they do beforehand.…
International Business, T. (0011, July). Sandusky Penn State Scandal Timeline: Abuse, Cover-Ups began in 1994. International Business Times.…
I would highly recommend that Penn State create a crisis management plan for future scandals or outbreaks involving the University. While no one could have prepared for the Sandusky scandal, having a list of crisis team members and contact information may have kept Paterno from releasing his own statements. Also in creating a plan in advance could help evaluate impact better, and take necessary steps in downsizing the impact. Penn State should have warned local police officials, school officials, and campus security before announcing Paterno’s firing on live television. While this would not have eliminated the riots, it could have prevented the amount of damages and number or injuries occurred. I would recommend having this list of contacts under “In Case of Emergency” in the crisis management plan. It is hard to suggest an improvement in response time when the first allegation came out in March 2002, and Sandusky was not arrested until November 2011, but it was not reported properly through the school or to the police. The situation should have been immediately reported and dealt with, but once properly reported Penn State did take action in a timely manner. I would have recommended Penn State to have comment on the Patriot-News report in 2011 involving the…
The report asserts that these emails demonstrate that in 1998 Paterno knew of the investigation of Sandusky, and followed it closely; and suggest that it was Paterno, "long regarded as the single most powerful official at the university," who persuaded Spanier, Curley, and Schultz not to formally report Sandusky to law enforcement or child welfare authorities. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Sandusky) Many people to this day say that the football program knew about it right after that incident and campus police made a big difference of how the investigation got handled with. After the investigation Sandusky retired from Penn State in late…
In 2012, “former Penn State defensive coordinator Gerald “Jerry" Sandusky was found guilty of sexual abuse. He was accused of sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period in a scandal that has rocked the university 's community” (Chappell, 2012, para. 1). When the story of Jerry Sandusky broke to the press, the University board believed the investigation currently underway at their university was solely concerning Jerry Sandusky, but unbeknownst to them, the organizational breakdown of Penn State was involved in the investigation as well. The investigation analyzed documents and conversations from Penn State’s leaders that spanned from 1998 to 2011. What came to light was that Sandusky, a renowned alumni of 32 years, ex-Penn State football coach, and an active member in youth charity programs, had been sexually harassing minors on and off university property. In addition, at various points during this time frame, leaders in various positions within Penn State’s organization knew of these accounts and did nothing about it. This report aims to focus on how the organizational culture as well as the breakdown in leadership responsibilities, aided in the allowance of such acts to continue at the university over the course of many years. In addition, it will target key solutions to prevent this type of tragedy and leadership oversight from happening again on Penn State campus.…
Obviously, the actions of one, or few can affect the masses. Consequently, Sandusky’s criminal and deplorable behavior not only affected his direct victims but permeating out directly negatively affecting the university and his immediate co-workers and supervisors. Unfortunately, his actions tainted what was one of the best college football programs in the nation and the reputation of an ivy league college. Not to take away from the immediate victims in the slightest, but some associates that should have been aware of…
The Trent Affair, also known as the Mason and Slidell Affair, was an international diplomatic incident that occurred during the American Civil War. On November 8th 1861, the USS San Jacinto, intercepted the British mail packet Trent and removed it as contraband of two war Confederate diplomats, who were James Mason and John Slidell. The envoys were bound for Great Britain and France to press the Confederacys' case for diplomatic recognition by Europe. The initial reaction in the United States was to rally against Britain, threatening war; but President Abraham Lincoln and his top advisers did not want to risk war. In the Confederate States, the hope was that the incident would lead to a permanent rupture in Anglo-American relations and even diplomatic recognition by Britain of the Confederacy. The boarding of the "Trent" was an outrage of a national relationship, which could not escape the anger of all the nations that were bordering on the sea. The British mail packet "Trent", was taken by a person who was too stupid to foresee its bad effect, on the relations which the persons' own country was endeavoring to maintain with Europe. It produced a sensation, which for awhile, seemed to threaten the total failure of coercion. It is not surprising that on getting the full news of the event, President Lincoln said to the attorney general, "I am not getting much sleep out of that exploit of Wilkes, and I suppose we must look up the law of the case. I am not much of a prize lawyer, but it seems to me, that it is pretty clear, that if Wilkes saw fit to make that capture on the high seas, he had no right to turn his quarterdeck into a prize court." The shrewd President saw that Wilkes could not let the "Trent" go free. The President also soon realized that the rash act was very inopportune, as well as illegal. Mr. Seward hurried to communicate with Mr. Adams, the United States minister at London, the stupid suggestion that "in the capture of Messrs. Mason and Slidell on…
In April of 1976 it was found that there was a possibility that over half of the junior class at West Point Academy had violated the West Point honor code by cheating on a case assignment. The honor code states "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do." This was by far the largest violation of the honor code in West Point history and presented some unusual challenges to the administration. As the year dragged on it was found that more and more students possibly had cheated on the assignment and was also becoming a public relations nightmare in the press and internally to the Army branch of the United States military.…
There are several ethical issues in the news lately about the treatment college athletes are receiving compared to the non-athletic students of universities. Is the practice of favoring athletes and bending the rules in the favor of universities to enable the best college sports stars to play ethical? Two major ethical issues that have been in the public eye as of late is cheating and grade tampering, and recruiting tactics. Both of these actions are unethical, but it still isn't stopping universities around the country to discontinue in these manners.…
Jerry Sandusky was arrested on November of 2011 for child molestation which started from 1994 to 2009. On February 9, 2001, Mike McQueary witnessed Jerry Sandusky in the shower with victim 2 (Petchesky, 2012). McQueary went to Joe Paterno, the famous Penn State football coach, who then informed other officials of the University. On March 19, Jack Raykovitz, president of the Second Mile, was informed of Sandusky’s behavior but no further legal actions were taken. The only action that was taken against Sandusky was to prohibit him from bringing the Second Mile children to the campus.…
The commissioner position in major league professional sports arose in the 1920’s in Major League Baseball. The position was created to help prevent scandals following the 1919 World Series, in which the Chicago “Black-Sox” purposefully threw games for money. Ever since the creation of the position, the power to act in the “best interests” of the sport, regarding conduct detrimental to the league, has been entrusted to the commissioner. Currently all four major professional sports leagues in the United States–the MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA–have commissioners with this broad power.(CB. 383). Under the “best interests” power the commissioner has, among other powers, the power to discipline those in the league. The casebook notes, even though the…
Firstly, there are several main reasons for the key figures choosing resignation. For Oliver, lacking of clear career path or opportunity to promote, he had chosen to be a president and CEO of another company. For Ms Presley, due to objective reason and personal preference, she wanted to be an enterpriser. However, all these reasons can not be the excuse of the ineffective HRP. If the HR department is sensitive and proactive enough, it should be aware of the importance of retention and incentive of the key employees.…
To ensure there are an adequate number of skilled & qualified replacements(successors) for every key position…
Comptroller and Auditor General of India, the coal ministry, many electricity boards and private companies…