2. Before signing the pension fund contract, the management company shall ensure that the person considering becoming a unit-holder understands that it is the appropriate investment and that he or she has been informed in detail about the risks related to investing in the pension fund and that the agency risk, credit risk, market risk and any other relevant risk related to investing in the pension fund has been clearly explained.
The main functions of a management company are to collect and invest funds in accordance with the principle of risk-distribution (diversification), for the purpose of providing retirement benefits for the persons that participate in the pension fund. The management company may also administer the payments of pension benefits.
Management company shall be established as joint-stock company with unlimited duration, where at least 51 percent of the shares or voting rights are owned by banks or financial institutions. They shall be one-tier management organizations in accordance with the Company Law.
Management companies shall have their registered offices in Albania and cannot be a branch of a foreign company.
A management company must appoint a depositary that shall be