Peanuts have considerable nutrients and are consumed in different forms all over the world since long. Peanut butter is one such product consumed in large quantities especially in western countries since many years. It is not very popular in India and the domestic market is dominated by milk butter. Hence, the promoters must target growing export market and should be financially sound. The technology is available indigenously and it is advisable to engage a technical consultant to ensure quality. Familiarity with export markets would be an additional advantage.
Peanut butter is an ideal substitute for milk butter. It is a low calorie, high protein product.
Compared to milk butter, its price is very competitive. But it has not yet become popular in our country and is rarely used by individual consumers. Gujarat and Maharashtra are the preferred locations in view of good quality peanuts cultivated in Gujarat and two well developed ports being available for exports.
Quality standards and compliance
BIS has laid down quality norms vide IS 9037:1979. Compliance under the PFA Act is mandatory. 3.0
Indian peanuts (especially Saurashtra variety of Bold & Jawa) are popular all over the world with large exports every year. But unfortunately, our market share is primarily confined to raw peanuts and value-added products like blanched & roasted peanuts or peanut butter
have very negligible contribution. There is only one unit manufacturing peanut butter in
Gujarat. Consumption of peanut butter is yet to pick up in the country and the project must concentrate on foreign buyers. Peanut butter is very popular in the USA, the UK, Holland,
Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South East Asian and Gulf countries. These are all very large and growing markets and can be tapped as majority of them import substantial quantity. There must be very