Industry businesses, vehicles, nuclear testing and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides influence the environment negatively. The intense pace of environmental degradation pose a real threat to the existence of people themselves. It becomes clear that in these conditions many of the traditional methods of treatment and rehabilitation are losing their relevance. Moreover, previously unknown diseases appear and their causes can be very difficult to establish. Many diseases are cured more difficult than before. Reactions to contamination depend on the individual: age, sex and state of health. Generally, children, elderly and sick people are more vulnerable. Systematic or periodic intake of relatively small amounts of toxic substances leads to the chronic poisoning.
According to the researches of the University of Southern California, cardiovascular health of the people becomes better due to a short reduction of air pollution. Because of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 government closed some factories and reduced the traffic. The study was held during that period of time showed that indices became better. “When air pollution levels are lowered, the health benefits can be immediate” (Dilworth, 2008, cited in Trinidad, 2012). Therefore, people’s health is closely bound up with environmental situation (Trinidad 2012).
Furthermore, heavy metals that are contained in the air in a big amount affects the nervous system. Neurotoxicity leading to neuropathies, with symptoms such as memory disturbances, sleep disorders, anger, fatigue, hand tremors, blurred vision, and slurred speech, have been observed after arsenic, lead and mercury exposure (Ewan and Pamphlett, 1996; Ratnaike, 2003 cited in Kampa & Castanas 2007).
The content of the PCB and toxaphene in the Great Lakes affected the wildlife and ecosystem, especially the trout’s biomass. This influence caused diseases, occurring in animals and people. The programs established by the government included the Clean Water Act and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Over the years the concentration of the pollutants decreased (Pollution 's Effects on the Great Lakes Ecosystem n.d.).
Even though the air pollution from ships is not obvious, it provokes cumulative effect, which leads to a reduction of air quality and affects negatively the environment, causing acid rain.
“MARPOL Annex VI, first adopted in 1997, limits the main air pollutants contained in ships exhaust gas, including sulphur oxides and nitrous oxides, and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances. MARPOL Annex VI also regulates shipboard incineration, and the emissions of volatile organic compounds from tankers.”
It is expected that the usage of the Annex will bring significant positive results in the taking measures to protect the environment and human health, especially those people who lives in port cities and coastal areas (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships n.d.).
Dilworth, C 2008, cited in Trinidad, A 2012, ‘Beijing Olympics experiment links air pollution exposure, cardiovascular disease’, USC News, 15 May, p1, accessed 07/03/2013;
Trinidad, A 2012, ‘Beijing Olympics experiment links air pollution exposure, cardiovascular disease’, USC News, 15 May, p1, accessed 07/03/2013;
Environment110 ‘Pollution 's Effects on the Great Lakes Ecosystem’ n.d., lecture notes, accessed 07/03/2013, University of Michigan;
Ewan, K.B & Pamphlett, R 1996, ‘Increased inorganic mercury in spinal motor neurons following chelating agents’, Neurotoxicology, vol.17, pp343, and Ratnaike, R.N 2003, ‘Acute and chronic arsenic toxicity’, Postgrad. Med., vol.79, pp391 cited in Kampa, M & Castanas, E 2007, ‘Human health effects of air pollution’, EDGE: Engineering Design Guide and Environment, accessed 07/03/2013,
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships n.d., International Maritime Organization, accessed 26/04/2013,
References: Dilworth, C 2008, cited in Trinidad, A 2012, ‘Beijing Olympics experiment links air pollution exposure, cardiovascular disease’, USC News, 15 May, p1, accessed 07/03/2013; Trinidad, A 2012, ‘Beijing Olympics experiment links air pollution exposure, cardiovascular disease’, USC News, 15 May, p1, accessed 07/03/2013; Environment110 ‘Pollution 's Effects on the Great Lakes Ecosystem’ n.d., lecture notes, accessed 07/03/2013, University of Michigan; Ewan, K.B & Pamphlett, R 1996, ‘Increased inorganic mercury in spinal motor neurons following chelating agents’, Neurotoxicology, vol.17, pp343, and Ratnaike, R.N 2003, ‘Acute and chronic arsenic toxicity’, Postgrad. Med., vol.79, pp391 cited in Kampa, M & Castanas, E 2007, ‘Human health effects of air pollution’, EDGE: Engineering Design Guide and Environment, accessed 07/03/2013, Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships n.d., International Maritime Organization, accessed 26/04/2013,