PeopleSoft Messaging Server Settings Guide 1
Contents 2
Introducing the PeopleSoft Messaging Server 3
Messaging Server Processes 4
Configuring Messaging Servers in PSADMIN 4
Understanding Dispatcher Parameters 5
Understanding Handler Parameters 7
Understanding Integration Broker Parameters 8
Minimum and Recommended Values. 9
Edit History 10
Introducing the PeopleSoft Messaging Server
PeopleSoft Messaging Services exist on the application server and are the heart of the Integration Broker. Before using Integration Broker, you must configure and start the Messaging Server, aka PUB/SUB. Although the server processes devoted to your messaging system are all part of the larger application server domain, they comprise a distinct set of processes that aren’t involved with the ordinary transactions associated with PIA connections.
Six processes of two different types, dispatchers and handlers, are combined in pairs to produce the messaging servers needed for transmitting messages throughout your messaging system. Each messaging server is a different type. A set of three — a publication broker, a publication contractor, and a subscription contractor — constitute the messaging server set required by Integration Broker. Following is a listing of the generic names for the processes:
Messaging Server Dispatcher Name Handler Name
Publication Broker (BRK) PSBRKDSP PSBRKHND
Publication Contractor (PUB) PSPUBDSP PSPUBHND
Subscription Contractor (SUB) PSSUBDSP PSSUBHND
PeopleSoft delivers default PUB/SUB services with _dflt added to the above naming convention. For example PSBRKDSP_dflt. It is recommended that you use these services unless you have a specific need for dedicated handlers.
To boot PUB/SUB use PSADMIN to configure your domain and simply answer Y to the following question at the end of the configuration process:
Command to execute (1-7, q) : 4 Do you want the Publish/Subscribe servers configured (y/n)?