Methods of training
Principles of training
Warm up overview
Session outlines
Injury profile
Post PEP test results
Principles of training
To gauge my fitness over the six weeks I am going to several methods such as measuring my heart rate before and after exercise and then again after 5 minutes, this indicates several things such as:
If my resting heart gets progressively lower over the six weeks it will tell me that my cardio vascular fitness is increasing as my body can pump a larger volume of blood (oxygen) per contraction or vice versa.
If my heart after exercise is consistent but my PEP sessions are getting more difficult it will also tell me that my cardio vascular fitness level is increasing as my heart can provide my muscles with more oxygenated blood, as it is a more difficult session, with the same amount of heart contractions I can also use my after exercise heart rate to gauge the intensity of each session by using my maximum heart rate (220-my age), 206 beats per minute and then see after each session what percentage of my maximum heart rate I am working at.
I can use the difference between my heart rate after exercise and then five minutes after exercise. I can then use this to find the percentage drop in heart rate after 5 minutes by finding what percentage the difference is of my after exercise heart rate. This will allow me to see whether or not, after 6 weeks of training my body can recover more quickly after exercise.
Specificity- where any training undertaken should be relevant and appropriate for the sport that someone is training for.
Why power is necessary in rugby:
In order to be able to accelerate off defensive and attacking plays/lines, for example after a ruck I need to be able to get from an onside position to the opponent with the ball. In order to