Minute ventilation is the quantity of oxygen which is taken in by your lungs per minute. When we exercise there is a higher oxygen intake per minute due to a higher breathing rate, we will also need more oxygenated blood cells to go round to the muscles in use to help try and prevent muscular injuries.
The reason why when minute ventilation increases is positive to an athlete is because there is a higher intake of oxygen and nutrients needed. This will mean that the athlete can work harder and feel less fatigued which will lead to an increase and a constant level of performance. There can also be an increase in lung capacity due to training which will mean there is a higher intake of oxygen per breath.
Once training is …show more content…
completed my breathing rate at is likely to lower due to an increase in efficiency of my lungs as they get used to the higher demand of oxygen. My minute volume is also likely to increase during a hard work out. It’s usually around 120 litres per minute but could rise to in the region of 150 litres per minute.
The muscles used during respiration could also increase in strength leading to an increase in efficiency due to training. There will also be an increase in the number of capillaries which surround the alveoli. This will mean then your breathing rate will be more efficient.
The amount of blood that is pumped out of the left ventricle per beat is called stroke volume. After exercise the heart will strengthen meaning it is able to pump more blood out in one beat.
Cardiovascular System:
One long term effect is hypertrophy of the heart, this is where the muscle of the heart gets stronger, and this means the filling time of the heart decreases because the contraction of the heart is stronger and the return of blood is a lot more efficient.
Another long term effect is the increase in stroke volume and cardiac output. The cardiac muscles increase in size and strength there is an increase in filling time, which means more blood can be pumped out of the heart. Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped out of the heart in one beat from the left ventricle.
Also your resting heart rate will decrease as a result of exercise and training, this is because your heart will be getting used to working harder. Long term exercise can also lead to the development of the capillary network to a part of the body.
Aerobic exercise can increase the number of capillaries. Another long term effect is the increase in blood volume, blood volume is the amount of blood circulating around your body.
Minute Ventilation can also increase as part of a long term effect as athletes are able to breath in more per minute which means that more oxygen is entering your body in each breath so it can enter the blood stream through gaseous exchange which means that more oxygen can be delivered to the working muscles to give you more energy, this will also have an effect on an athlete’s breathing rate as it will
Long term exercise can also help with reduction in resting blood pressure. Exercise increases blood pressure during the activity but it returns to normal afterwards, the quicker it does this the more aerobically fit you are.