When analysing sensory perception I explained the process of how the eyes see the percept through wavelengths of light, which is transmitted at different wavelengths and frequencies. The main source of light would be sunlight. The scale of the wavelength and frequency for light determines the colour seen, as every colour has its own wavelength and frequency. When perceiving colour the spectrum of the wavelengths stretches from short wavelengths at 400nm to long wavelengths at 700nm (Fig. 4) . Within that range are many different colours, The wood of the percept I know to be a Brownish organic colour, the colour brown is fact in fact a high wavelength low velocity electromagnetic radiation, …show more content…
On the left corner of the percept, is the Archangel Michael, holding a lance and a pole with a sponge, in a vessel. The right corner depicts the Archangel Gabriel, holding a cross and four nails. The presence of angels holding the lance, sponge and crucifixion cross is a signifier to the child of his death on the cross, the knowledge having driven him into the embrace of his mother.
The role of Women in Christianity has varied considerably throughout history, but traditionally women were in supportive roles, such as a Mother or a Wife. Mary embodies this traditionally supportive role, as the devoted Mother of Jesus Christ, she is the central focus of the percept, and this is further signified with the symbols in the top corners of the percept, they are Greek initials which mean Mother of God, and the star on Mary’s forehead signifies another of her titles, Star of the Sea, the star of the sea brought Jesus to enlighten and the save souls on Earth so that after death they would go would heaven and live in eternal …show more content…
It has undergone some sort of oxidisation treatment to age the metal giving the impression that it is much older than it truly is. True patina signs are visible on the back of percept, prior to being moved to my dressing table, the percept along with the other articles now on my dressing table, were kept on the window sill in my bedroom, environmental elements, mildew and rain water stained the back of it.
To summarise, analysing the percept using the principles of perception has highlighted to me the way culture and history develop but are still and relatable in today context, the impact sensory perception and colour theory have on the perceptual experience. The insight from Gestalt theory on how my mind distinguishes and organises objects, And lastly semiotics has made me aware of the signs surrounding me in so many forms and applied to object of value. This has enriched my understanding of the percept, as well as object in my environment, I will be more observant to them and the value they may