spoons and words” (71). However, after the departure of her foster father, Liesel was treated with respect and love. “Rosa [eventually] gave her the book” (677) Max had asked to be given to her when she was ready. Because Rosa had not always been supportive of Liesel’s desire to read, this was a big step for their relationship. Previously, Hans had acted as a mediator providing love to Liesel when she needed it the most. When Rosa realized this it sparked a change within her because she must then fill the role Hans left behind.
spoons and words” (71). However, after the departure of her foster father, Liesel was treated with respect and love. “Rosa [eventually] gave her the book” (677) Max had asked to be given to her when she was ready. Because Rosa had not always been supportive of Liesel’s desire to read, this was a big step for their relationship. Previously, Hans had acted as a mediator providing love to Liesel when she needed it the most. When Rosa realized this it sparked a change within her because she must then fill the role Hans left behind.